Regional Trade Census/Application Development

Anbessa Beer

SICS was able to successfully executed a beer trade census in 10 major cities of Ethiopia. The project is owned by a new multinational company, which constructed a new beer plant in Ethiopia. The major deliverables were

  • Development of an in-house mobile application to conduct the beer outlet census as well as help produce market analysis based on data collected
  • Carrying out of tablet-based trade census of all beer outlets in 10 major cities of Ethiopia
  • Development of geo-referenced digital maps that facilitated the conduction of the census and assist easy identification of outlets that have high concentration and sales
  • Developing a cluster map of each town for information to be broken down and analyzed to help developing sales, distribution and promotional strategies.
  • Developed a market segment portfolio for the new business entrant based on the economic geography of the beer market in Ethiopia by taking into consideration the comparative advantages of the existing breweries and their relative market share in terms of volume and value.
  • Production of a report which
    • Shows trade structure volume and value share of each brewery and brand.
    • Displays bottle and draught volume and value share by brewery and brand
    • Shows stock level volume by brand and brewery
    • Identified out of stock and delisted brands
    • Identified beer distribution by breweries
    • Identified the hand out of promotional materials like refrigerators, parasols, glasses , tables and chairs
  • Developed a server-side application and link with the above mentioned software and data so that retail audit can be effectively executed on a continuous basis. This is very much linked with and supports the planning, development and execution of the marketing sales, distribution and promotional strategies mentioned above both now and in the future.

Year 2019
Our role application
Client Anbessa Beer